

Of all the gospels, John has to be the one that I have most favoured. The sequential chronology of the events of Jesus Christ's ministry do not match up with those in the other gospels, but the events and teachings in the gospel of John present the evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and more importantly the Son of God. John doesn't stop there; in Jesus' own words John shows that you can't have a Jesus who is not Himself God without making all of Jesus' ministry and teachings of no effect.

Joh 20:30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
Joh 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

Born Of The Spirit, Where The Wind Blows, You See?
Jesus is discussing basics with Nicodemus here. I always had trouble understanding Jesus' statement about not discerning where the wind goes - why did Jesus make that statement? If you don't know either, then you don't understand precisely the nature of the conversation Jesus was having. The following words afterwards speaking of John the Baptist confirm all that Jesus was discussing. This chapter is rich with content for study.

Samaritan Woman – We Know What We Worship – Contrasts
Whilst talking to the Samaritan woman - and after with his disciples, the account reveals Jesus as not only the Messiah for the lost of Israel, but saviour to the whole world. These gentiles are the "meat" for Jesus that his followers "knew not of". Because of the separation between Jews and their Samaritan neighbours the Jews did not realise just how close others could be to the Kingdom of God (but not the law). In sharp contrast to all this, whilst the Samaritans believed on Jesus because of mere words, the Galilean nobleman with the sick son would not have believed unless he was shown miracles. Even when his son was well he had to enquire as to what time it happened.

The Son Is Revealed As God – and Glorified In The Father
The long narrative of Jesus' words, from how come all judgement is become His, How another (The Father) has confirmed his divinity, and then how those that believe are saved. Through his miracles and understanding within his teaching Jesus teaches that he is God, because the Father has witnessed it. Were Jesus not so, he could "do nothing of himself."

Bread From Heaven, Flesh And Blood: Consumed Whole
Jesus was asked what sign he would bring and what work he would do. Answering the case of manna from God in Moses' day, Jesus gives his analogy in spiritual bread - That unless people follow Him and His words of the spirit, and consume Him whole (flesh and blood in analogy of his words of life - spirit) in following and believing on him and teaching likewise: They would not have eternal life. Jesus teaches that He will be killed for the benefit of all, and he will be meat for giving eternal life. Many did not believe that it was His work, to bring eternal life through his death. Many of his disciples left him after Jesus' taught they were not only to benefit from His death, but had to, to be raised at the last day. A very hard saying to those who were expecting Jesus to remain among them.

The Identity Of The Son Of God – Appearances Not Deceptive
Jesus spoke of himself as the light of the world, and of the resurrection as available only to those who follow and believe on Him. Jesus is challenged that his words are not true because he testifies to His own self. Jesus sweeps these comments aside because the Father bears record of Him through His works, and they would accept this if their eyes were open.

Those That See, Sheep Hear The Shepherd’s Voice
The end of John's chapter 9 continuing through chapter 10 provides testimony that Jesus is the Christ. Simply put, the people listen and are taught because they recognise them. Though false Christs have been before, the people did not listen to them. That Jesus will lay down his life for them, shows her is not of satan, or has a demon. "The thief comes but to steal and destroy" - Jesus Christ has the words of everlasting life. He can not be dismissed out of hand as a nut, or a liar, or a counterfeit.

Cryptic; Any Connection With Anselm? – the Holy Trinity
Jesus' prayer to His Father before His arrest, is a potent passage in John's account. Rather than pleading to God that He (Christ) be recognised, Jesus prays for those that follow Him. Jesus' prayer forms His request that His faithful have a "certain kind of faith", alike to Jesus own relationship with his Father. - There is also some worth in considering the prayer to have the cup "taken from Him". Jesus is no coward, or weasel.

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